Bring it to the next level
personal training
All focus on you
In the field of football, athletics and fitness, I bring a lot of experience that I would like to pass on to you and support you in getting better. Goals in life are important and only you can decide whether they are achievable.
My achievements
Ready for the next level
individual training
If the actual training is not enough and you want to grow with further challenges, then I can help you with my know-how. I don't make big promises that I can't keep, but if you give 100% and I put my 100% in, then we're 200% further than before. Let's see how far we can get!
Level Up Yourself!
athletic performance
I'll help you faster
to become more agile.
Are you a hobby athlete, an ambitious athlete or would you like to start something new?
start with it. This is not a problem,
because with an individual
Training plan is the start for everyone
possible. At the end of the day you will
deliver a great performance!
personal training
Fitness is more than just fitness. There are many elements involved, which I would like to explain to you during our joint training session.
Fitness is mental health, self and body awareness, responsibility, strength, but also change. If you become aware of this, I am exactly the right person for you!
Your biggest challenger is yourself. It's always you vs. you!
Group/team training
Together we are strong!
As a team/group we motivate ourselves and master every challenge. We push each other and overcome our weaker self. No place for comfort zone!
It is the team spirit that makes you surpass yourself.
Let's go and rock it together!
company fitness
I bring momentum into your company and ensure sufficient movement
in the area of employees. Next
everyday job stress and restricted movement
a healthy and balanced one
Work-life balance is essential and decisive for one's own health and well-being.
My versatility in the field of fitness ensures variety and new impulses.